Sunday, November 25, 2012

Why this trip?

I already mentioned that I'm trying to make more spontaneous decisions in life, and just do stuff for fun, without thinking too much about them. So that is a central theme of this trip, but there are some goals I hope to achieve.

In a sense, this is a solo trip. Yes, I will travel with Felix for 4 or 5 days, and I will see Scrabblers that I know in Prague, as well, but I am doing this journey on my own, and I want to see what happens.

See, traveling alone scares the hell out of me. I've always been convinced that I'd only have fun traveling if it was with my friends. My time in Southeast Asia last year was so amazing in part because I got to experience the whole thing with friends. But I also met lots of cool people in Bangkok, a few of whom I'm still in contact with a year later. So maybe this sentiment is true, or maybe I'm just nervous to travel by myself. I intend to find out what traveling alone is really like.

So with that in mind, I am going to try out two methods of lodging: CouchSurfing and hosteling. I will be CouchSurfing in Vienna this week, and hosteling next week in Prague. They're definitely different ways of traveling, but I am excited to see how they work out. I also plan to CS in Zurich at the end of my trip. I'll be staying with some Austrian dudes this week. Should be cool?

Anyway, I guess there isn't that much deep I hope to get out of this trip - I mostly just want to challenge myself to try taking a trip on my own, especially if I ever want to consider LIVING abroad...

That and I'm trying to envelop this idea of living a spontaneous life. This trip is possibly the most spontaneous thing I have done, so we'll see.

For now I'm just exhausted. I can't wait to be at my host's house in Vienna, so I can get a good night sleep, and start out strong Tuesday. Assuming they are open, I intend to visit Schonbrunn Palace and Haus der Musik. And eat food. That's all I got for now though.

Oh, and I'm talking with Felix right now, and it looks like we are buying tickets to Hamburg, so I'll see two German cities this trip.

OK - enough blogging, time to get ready for the flight. Thanks for following along! :)


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